This is more than just a skin - the new model also changes walking and running animations, idle animations, and more. You can also change your character model to Aiden, the protagonist of Watch Dogs. Traffic lights can be switch from red to green, barriers can be raised at various intersections, and cameras can be used to look around the city. You can walk around Liberty City hacking into various electronic objects.
It's amazing feat, showing the power of the RAGE and the ingenuity of the modders well before GTA V has been released.Once all is said and done, what do you get? The most obvious addition is the hacking.
Instead, the transition is now pitch perfect in its vertical scale out and the little sound effects add that much more to the polish of the script. The video at the top of the article, courtesy of DSO Gaming, gives you a perfect illustration of the updated mod, which no longer stumbles and clumsily shifts between each of the protagonists in almost drunken-script fashion. Well, for Grand Theft Auto IV, modders have made it possible for players to seamlessly switch between characters just like in Grand Theft Auto V. It all happens at the press of a button and it transitions without any loading screens whatsoever. What's more is that players, at any time, can switch between each of these characters while carrying out missions or just goofing around. Each character has their own personality, voice, movement and idiosyncrasies. So if you've been out of the loop for enough time to not know about the instant character switching, let's get you all up-to-date on the feature: Rockstar is doing something revolutionary in the open-world genre by including three playable protagonists.